Common Bermudagrass
Common bermudagrass is a good, inexpensive choice for areas that receive heavy traffic, such as school yards, athletic fields, play areas, and rights of way. It is susceptible to several pest problems (dollar spot, melting out, and nematodes), but these can be controlled through proper maintenance and correct use of pesticides.
Improved seeded types of bermudagrass include Princess, Savanna, Sultan, Sydney, Sunstar, Mohawk, Yuma, Yukon, and Riviera. These grasses have been shown to produce significantly better quality lawns since they are finer textured and more dense than common bermudagrass. These grasses are for people who want something better than common bermudagrass but do not want the problems or expense associated with the vegetatively propagated grasses. They do not produce a lawn as attractive as the vegetatively propagated grasses. The availabilty of these new seeded types may be limited.
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